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Privacy Policy

Last Modified: May 28th, 2024


We at Prescient National, including Prescient National Insurance Company, Prescient National Insurance Services, Prescient Insurance Center as well as our other affiliates (collectively, “we”, “us”, or “our”), respect your privacy and are committed to protecting it through our compliance with this General Privacy Policy (this “Policy”). This Policy describes the types of information we may collect from you or that you may provide to us when you visit the website https://www.prescientnational.com/, any successor or subdomain thereof, or any other website where we post this Policy (collectively, our “Website”), or when you otherwise interact with us in certain general business contexts. It also describes our practices for collecting, using, maintaining, protecting, and disclosing that information.

When this Policy Applies

This Policy applies to any information that we may collect in connection with your use of the Website—including information you provide in any forms or messages submitted by you to us through our Website or using the contact information provided on our Website, and any information about you transferred to our Website from other websites—for general business or informational purposes or general inquiries, as well as other information we may collect offline or in other contexts, in each case where we control the purposes or means of processing the information involved. Examples include information that we may collect in regards to outreach to or from prospective customers, prospective agents, job applicants or others inquiring about our business and our insurance product and service offerings in general.

When This Policy Does Not Apply

This Policy does not apply to any other information that we may collect in other contexts or by any other means. In particular, this Policy does not apply to information we may collect in connection with actually providing our insurance product and service offerings to our customers, in which case we simply collect and process information on our customer’s behalf (as a service provider or processor to our customer). Examples include using our Website to report a claim, pay an invoice, or upload medical files or billing documents or check on the status of payments related to a claimant covered by one of our insurance policies. In such contexts, our contract with our customer and our separate Notice of Privacy Practices controls and governs with respect to our policies and practices for collecting and processing information, and we encourage you to refer to our Notice of Privacy Practices for more information.

Important Information

Please read this Policy carefully to understand our policies and practices regarding your information and how we will treat it. If you do not agree with our policies and practices, you can choose not to use our Website or otherwise provide us with your information.  By

accessing or using our Website, or by otherwise providing us with your information you agree to this Policy. This Policy may change from time to time. When we make changes to this Policy, we will post the updated Policy on our Website and update the Policy’s “Last Modified” date. We will also provide notice of any material changes as explained in the section below titled “Changes to Our Privacy Policy.” Your continued use of the Website or continued supply of information to us after we make changes is deemed to be acceptance of those changes.

Information We Collect About You and How We Collect It

Personal Information We Collect – Generally

We may collect several types of information from and about individuals, including users of our Website. This may include information by which individuals may be personally identified or information about an individual that is maintained in personally-identifiable form (collectively, “Personal Information”). Specifically, we (or our third-party service providers acting on our behalf) may collect the following:

Personal Information We Collect – Submitting Job Applications Through the Website

If you submit a job application through our Website or otherwise (“Job Applicant”), we may also collect the following:

Sensitive Personal Information

We do not knowingly collect sensitive Personal Information about you, such as government-issued identifying numbers; financial account details; precise geolocation information; information about your racial or ethnic origin, religious or philosophical beliefs, or union membership; the contents of your mail, email, or text messages unless we are the intended recipient of the communication; genetic data; biometric information for the purpose of uniquely identifying you; information concerning your health; or information concerning your sex life or sexual orientation (collectively, “Sensitive Personal Information”). In the unlikely event that we do ever collect any such Sensitive Personal Information, we will use such information on a limited basis only (i) as necessary to perform services or provide goods reasonably expected by an average consumer who requests those goods or services; (ii) for purposes of helping to ensure security and integrity to the extent the use of such Sensitive Personal Information is reasonably necessary and proportionate for these purposes; (iii) for short-term, transient use, including, but not limited to, non-personalized advertising shown as part of your current interaction with us, provided that the Sensitive Personal Information is not disclosed to another third party and is not used to build a profile about you or otherwise alter your experience outside your current interaction with us; (iv) as a service provider to another business performing services on behalf of that business, including maintaining or servicing accounts, providing customer service, processing or fulfilling orders and transactions, verifying customer information, processing payments, providing financing, providing analytic services, providing storage, or providing similar services on behalf of the business; (v) for purposes of undertaking activities to verify or maintain the quality or safety or a service or device that is owned, manufactured, manufactured for, or controlled by us, and to improve, upgrade, or enhance the service or device that is owned, manufactured, manufactured for, or controlled by us; or (vi) as otherwise permitted by applicable law and regulations.

How We Collect Information

We primarily collect Personal Information directly from you as you provide it or submit it to us, including in connection with signing up to obtain additional information from us (such as signing up to receive our periodic e-mails, newsletters, or other marketing and promotional information about our, our affiliates, or third parties’ products and services), entering into a sweepstakes, contest, giveaway, or other promotion related to our products or services, responding to a voluntary survey you have agreed to complete, submitting a job application through our Website, contacting us for service inquiries or reporting a problem with the Website, submitting an inquiry to us using the contact methods provided on our Website, or otherwise contacting us about our Website or our business. We (or our third-party service providers acting on our behalf) may also collect your Technical Information and Internet Activity automatically as you navigate through or interact with our Website (see section below titled “Traffic, Usage, and Computer/Device Information”).

Traffic, Usage, and Computer/Device Information

Additionally, as you navigate through and interact with our Website or interact with the e-mails and other electronic messages we send to you, we or our third-party service providers may automatically collect Internet Activity and certain traffic data, usage information, and information about your computer equipment or mobile device, such as your browser and operating system, your wireless carrier, the geographic region from which you are accessing the Website, time- stamped logs regarding access times and duration of visits, the pages of our Website that you visit, whether you opened the e-mail message we sent to you and whether you clicked on any links in the message, configuration data, clickstream analytics, and your actions and patterns when you use our Website or interact with our e-mail messages (collectively, “Technical Information”). The technologies we use for this automatic data collection may include cookies that are stored on the browser of your computer or mobile device, small embedded electronic files known as web beacons (also referred to as clear gifs, pixel tags, and single-pixel gifs), and other types of embedded code. We collect this information to manage our content and improve users’ use of our Website; to count and review the number of users of our Website and their usage patterns; to track key performance indicators such as pages accessed, frequency of access, conversions (the number of users who click on our advertisements and then go on to make a product purchase), and other statistical information related to our Website and the performance of our e-mail messages (for example, recording the popularity of certain content and verifying system and server integrity); to identify the portion of users who access our Website via different web browsers or mobile operating systems; to recognize if a user is a return user of our Website; to store information about a user’s visits; to remember a user’s preferences; and for similar purposes in connection with monitoring, operating, maintaining, and improving our Website. Third parties may also collect Technical Information, Internet Activity, and other information on our behalf as further described in the sections below titled “Use of Google Analytics” and “Use of Personal Information for Marketing Purposes.”

How We Use Your Information


We may use the information we collect about you or that you provide to us under this Policy, including Personal Information, to:

Use of Personal Information for Marketing Purposes

We (and certain third-party service providers acting on our behalf) may use your information (including Personal Information) for advertising, promotional, and other marketing purposes in various ways. This includes:

If you do not want us to use your information in this manner, see the section below titled “Your Rights and Choices” for more information about how to opt out of such uses.

Use and Disclosure of Aggregated or De-Identified Data

We may convert or combine some Personal Information of Website users or other individuals with whom we interact under this Policy into de-identified or aggregated data that does not disclose any of the Personal Information of any individual. We may use and disclose to third parties any such de-identified or aggregated data (including but not limited to traffic and usage data that does not identify you personally) for any lawful purpose.

Tracking and “DO NOT TRACK”

Tracking involves the use of cookies, web beacons, or other embedded code or tracking technologies to collect, analyze, and store information on a user’s behavior over time on multiple sites, including information on the sites visited, products viewed, products purchased, and other online interactions. Tracking information can be used to enable companies to make interest-based (behavioral) advertising available to users on multiple sites that they visit.

We do not (and our third-party service providers do not on our behalf) currently collect Personal Information about your online activities over time and across third-party sites for tracking purposes when you use our Website. Therefore, our Website does not currently respond to any “do not track” or “opt out” signals sent by your computer, browser or mobile device, and if your computer, browser, or mobile device sends a “do not track” or “opt out” signal to our Website, our Website will not treat you differently from users who do not send such signals.

For more information on how to disable certain tracking technologies, please visit the Network Advertising Initiative’s Consumer Opt-Out page at https://thenai.org/opt-out/ and the Digital Advertising Alliance’s Consumer Assistance page at https://youradchoices.com/.

Use of Google Analytics

We use Google Analytics to track and analyze certain traffic and usage statistics regarding the use of our Website, such as the number of visitors to our Website, how visitors are navigating to our Website, visitors’ general geographic region information, how long individuals are visiting our Website, and information about the equipment individuals are using to access our Website (e.g., browser version and operating system). Google Analytics may use a Google Analytics cookie as part of this service, and we may share certain Personal Information with Google Analytics as part of this service. We use this traffic and usage information to gauge, internally, the effectiveness of our advertising efforts and to make improvements to our Website and our marketing and promotional efforts.

For more information, please review the following:

You can opt out of our use of certain Google Analytics features by updating the “Ads Settings” in your browser (www.adssettings.google.com/authenticated) or mobile device (www.support.google.com/ads/answer/1660762#mob), by enabling the Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on in your browser (https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout) or by visiting the Network Advertising Initiative’s Consumer Opt-Out page (www.optout.networkadvertising.org/). Because those opt-out and preference control pages are specific to the individual browser used to visit them, and because those pages are not operated by us, we are unable to perform the opt-outs on your behalf.

Disclosure of Your Information


We may disclose your Personal Information to third parties in the following circumstances:

Service Example Service Providers Business Purpose
E-mail management Constant Contact Organize, distribute, and track communications with customers and prospective customers
Website hosting Neilson Marketing Services Securely store electronic information
Website analytics and digital marketing Google Analytics Track and monitor usage of our Website

We may disclose all forms of Personal Information for each of the purposes described above, including but not limited to your Technical Information and Internet Activity.

No Sales or Sharing of Personal Information

We do not sell or share (within the meanings given in applicable privacy laws), and in the past 12 months we have not sold or shared, any Personal Information to third parties.

Retention of Your Information

We will retain your Personal Information for no longer than is reasonably necessary to achieve the legitimate business purposes or uses stated in this Policy, unless a longer retention period is required or allowed by the applicable privacy law or to otherwise fulfill a legal requirement. We use the following criteria to determine the applicable period to retain your Personal Information:

Third-Party Sites and Services

Our Website and e-mail messages to you may include links to blogs, social media, and third-party websites. These third-party sites have their own privacy policies and terms of use and are not controlled by this Policy. You should carefully review any terms, conditions, and policies of such third-party sites before visiting them or supplying them with any Personal Information. If you follow a link from our Website or e-mail messages to any third-party site, any information you provide to that site will be governed by its own terms of use and privacy policy and not this Policy.

We are not responsible for the privacy or security of any information you provide to a third-party website or the information practices used by any third-party site, including those that are accessed via links from our Website or e-mail messages. We make no representations, express or implied, concerning the accuracy, privacy, safety, security, or the information practices of any third-party site. The inclusion of a link to a third-party site on our Website or in our e-mail messages does not constitute any type of endorsement of the linked site by us. We are not responsible for any loss or damage you may sustain resulting from your use of any third-party website or any information you share with a third-party website.

Your Rights and Choices


You have certain choices regarding the Personal Information you provide to us. You can set your browser to refuse all or some browser cookies. If you choose not to accept cookies, you may be unable to access certain parts or pages of our Website, or certain parts or features of our Website may not function properly.

If you do not wish to have your Personal Information used by us to contact you with promotional or informational messages, you may send us an e-mail stating your request to privacy@prescientnational.com or you can opt out by simply clicking on the “Unsubscribe” or similar link in the most recent e-mail you received from us and by following the prompts that appear. This opt-out does not apply to information provided as a result of a product purchase, customer service or support service inquiry, or other informational or transactional communication.

Accessing, Correcting or Deleting Your Information

You can review, change, and request the deletion of certain portions of your Personal Information collected or processed by us under this Policy, in accordance with the laws of certain states (such as the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (as amended to date, the “CCPA”)) and the following:

No Differential Treatment

If you choose to exercise any of the rights described in the section titled “Accessing, Correcting or Deleting Your Information,” you will not receive differential treatment by us as a result (e.g., different prices or quality of services), except to the extent permitted by applicable law (including if those differences are reasonably related to the value of your Personal Information).

California “Shine The Light” Disclosure

The California Civil Code permits California residents with whom we have an established business relationship to request that we provide a list of certain categories of Personal Information that we have disclosed to third parties for their direct marketing purposes during the preceding calendar year. To make such a request, please send an email to privacy@prescientnational.com or otherwise contact us using the information set forth below. Please mention that you are making a “California Shine the Light” inquiry. Please note, however, that we do not currently disclose any Personal Information to third parties for their own direct marketing purposes.

Nevada Residents: Sale Opt-Out Rights

Nevada residents who wish to exercise their sale opt-out rights under Nevada Revised Statutes Chapter 603A may submit a request to this designated address: privacy@prescientnational.com. Please mention that you are making a “Nevada Sale Opt-Out Right” request. However, please know we do not currently sell data triggering that statute’s opt-out requirements.

Users Outside of the United States

Our Website is hosted in the United States and is provided from the United States. It is possible that certain information will be stored on servers in multiple other countries on the “cloud” or other similar distributed hosting platforms. If you are accessing our Website from Canada, the European Union, Asia, or any other jurisdiction with laws governing personal data collection, use, and disclosure that differ from United States laws, please note that by using our Website and providing your Personal Information to us through our Website, you are expressly and knowingly consenting to the transfer of your Personal Information from your home country to the United States and other jurisdictions as indicated above (where laws may differ from the laws of your jurisdiction), and you are expressly and knowingly consenting to our use of such Personal Information in accordance with this Policy.

Children Under the Age of 16

Our Website and our products and services are not intended to be used by children under 16 years of age, and no one under age 16 may provide any information to us or others on or using the Website or otherwise. We do not knowingly collect Personal Information from children under age 16. If you are under 16 years of age, do not use or provide any information on the Website or otherwise use our products or services, or provide any information about yourself to us, including your name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, IP address or mobile device ID, or any screen name or username you may use. If we learn we have collected or received Personal Information from a child under 16 years of age without verification of parental consent, we will delete that information. If you believe we might have any information from or about a child under age 16, please contact us at privacy@prescientnational.com.

Data Security

We have implemented measures designed to secure your Personal Information from accidental loss and from unauthorized access, use, alteration, and disclosure. The safety and security of your information also depends on you. When we have given you (or when you have chosen) a password for access to certain parts of our Website, you are responsible for keeping that password confidential. We ask you not to share your password with anyone. Unfortunately, the transmission of information over the Internet is not completely secure. Although we have implemented security measures that we think are adequate, we cannot guarantee the security of your Personal Information transmitted to or using our Website. Any transmission of Personal Information is at your own risk. We are not responsible for the circumvention of any privacy settings or security measures contained on our Website.

Changes to Our Privacy Policy

We post any changes we make to our Policy on this page. If we make material changes to how we collect and use our users’ Personal Information (including with respect to the categories of Personal Information we collect), we will notify you by e-mail to the primary e-mail address specified in your account and through a notice on the Website home page. The date the Policy was last revised is identified at the top of the page. You are responsible for ensuring we have an up-to-date, active and deliverable e-mail address for you, and for periodically visiting our Website and this Policy to check for any changes. Please note that we will not collect additional categories of Personal Information about you or use your Personal Information for additional purposes beyond those disclosed in this Policy without providing notice to you.

Contact Information

To ask questions or to submit comments about this Policy or our privacy practices, you may contact us:

Talk to an Expert

An expert representative will contact you immediately.

"*" indicates required fields

Information you submit to us through this website or otherwise is governed by the Prescient National General Privacy Policy. The categories of personal information we may collect are listed HERE, HERE we describe the purposes for which we may use this information, and HERE we describe our policies for retaining this information. We do not sell or share your Personal Information to/with third parties within the meanings given under applicable laws.

    Contact Name:
    Employer Name:
    Phone Number:

    Information you submit to us through this website or otherwise is governed by the Prescient National General Privacy Policy. The categories of personal information we may collect are listed HERE, HERE we describe the purposes for which we may use this information, and HERE we describe our policies for retaining this information. We do not sell or share your Personal Information to/with third parties within the meanings given under applicable laws.

      Contact Name:
      Employer Name:
      Phone Number:

      I am interested in (you can select more than one):

      Early Return-to-WorkPost-Accident Drug TestingHiring PracticesAccident Investigation

      Information you submit to us through this website or otherwise is governed by the Prescient National General Privacy Policy. The categories of personal information we may collect are listed HERE, HERE we describe the purposes for which we may use this information, and HERE we describe our policies for retaining this information. We do not sell or share your Personal Information to/with third parties within the meanings given under applicable laws.