Streamline Workers’ Comp Claim Reporting with Prescient National’s Intelligent Portal


In our continuing effort to streamline the Workers’ Compensation claims process, Prescient National has partnered with Ajira AI to develop a proprietary Claim Reporting Portal. The portal serves as an incident management platform, including both a mobile app and a cloud portal. Employers can quickly and easily report Workers’ Compensation claims to Prescient National using the intelligent portal.

Watch a short video here to see how it works.

Here’s How the Intelligent Claim Reporting Portal Works

A supervisor or other assigned individual at the company visits the online portal to report the claim. The incident details are entered with the report dynamically adapting to your incident so you only fill out what is needed. Once your report is submitted to Prescient National, instant confirmation is received that the claim has been submitted and received by Prescient National.

Employers also have the option of using the mobile app to report a workplace injury claim, allowing pertinent details about the accident to be entered while the details are still fresh. The app also contains additional features, such as the ability to upload video of the injured worker explaining what happened, witness statements, and even an overall view of the accident scene for more accurate incident reporting. Artificial Intelligence technology is used to analyze the video and identify the injury, thereby reducing data input. This information is then pushed to the online portal for further review by Human Resources or Safety Management. The online portal then allows the report to be submitted to Prescient National by entering the remaining details. This might include personnel information that a supervisor at the accident scene might not know. In providing both a mobile app and portal, the claim report can be saved in progress so important details aren’t forgotten.

With industrial strength encryption and the ability for employers to designate whom they want to have access to the app and portal, organizations can feel confident their claim report details remain secure and are only visible to authorized users after logging in.

The Benefits of the Claim Reporting Portal

Our new streamlined claim reporting platform only asks relevant questions based on the details entered, saving employers time and facilitating prompt reporting of workplace injury claims. This further reduces reporting lag times and ensures that injured workers get proper medical treatment. Potential for litigation is also minimized and employee morale is boosted as workers feel their well-being is a priority.

In addition, the portal’s dashboard suite offers informative graphs based on your business’ incident history. Employers can view which body parts are frequently injured, the top causes of injury and, if there are multiple locations, where these accidents are most frequently occurring. This information enables employers to directly improve their safety program – tailoring risk management and safety initiatives to prevent future workplace injuries. Intelligent, informed decisions regarding workplace safety can be made using your organization’s claims history.

The dashboard suite also features a scheduling calendar to internally manage important dates and reminders such as medical appointments and return-to-work dates. The notes and documents capabilities further round out the features that may be used within your organization to maintain and track important claim information.

Getting Access to the Claims Reporting Portal

Ready to get started using our new intelligent portal? Contact your Prescient National Risk Manager or to get registered.

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