The Benefits of Using Telemedicine for Workplace Injuries


After a workplace injury or illness, hours can be spent waiting at a medical provider office to receive treatment. In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, however, many workplaces are turning to a digital solution that makes receiving care from a medical professional much more accessible: telemedicine.

You might be familiar with telemedicine as part of traditional healthcare offerings, but did you know that telemedicine is available for workplace injuries as well? Last year, Prescient National partnered with Concentra Telemed to roll out a telemedicine program specifically to address workplace injuries. Read more to learn how the program works and what benefits it could bring to your workplace.

The Ease of Telemedicine

In today’s world, access to virtual and remote solutions in every aspect of life are proving useful. Telemedicine is easily one of these long-lasting solutions. 

Rather than wasting time waiting to be seen at a doctor’s office, injured workers can meet with a physician virtually, via video chat, to diagnose and treat certain injuries. Although some scenarios may require in-person follow-up appointments depending on the injury, a telemedicine appointment is an easy, cost-effective way to get care.

Using Telemedicine for Workplace Injuries

Numerous states have expanded their virtual offerings as it relates to the treatment of workplace injuries and illnesses. In fact, a study conducted by The Workers’ Compensation Research Institute found that after 2020, “25 states either added a telemedicine option or expanded their usage for worker’s injuries.”

This option makes sense for both employees and employers. For workers, it provides a quicker route to medical care — often allowing for 24/7 access to a physician without the need to visit a crowded urgent care or hospital. It also offers privacy, as telemedicine visits can be conducted from the security of a private room in the workplace. 

For an employer, telemedicine not only leads to satisfied employees but also cuts down on the amount of time that workers spend waiting for treatment. Ultimately, this minimizes lost hours and helps overall productivity — a win-win.

What Does Telemedicine Actually Cover?

These virtual visits won’t work for severe injuries or illnesses but are meant instead to provide treatment for lower-level issues that can be diagnosed over a video call. Telemedicine is ideal for minor injuries such as sprains or strains, repetitive injuries like tendonitis, first-degree burns, abrasions, scrapes, rashes, and dermatitis.

Telemedicine visits can also be used in place of a follow-up appointment after an initial in-person visit for something more serious. For instance, a physician can check on the healing of a wound or stitches or the progress of a burn or rash.

What Does a Worker Need for a Telemedicine Visit?

Employers who use our Concentra Telemedicine program follow the same procedure when visiting an in-person medical provider. Employers will provide the injured worker with an authorization form, ensure a private room in the workplace for the telemedicine visit, and have the worker log into the platform to receive care. The employer would then submit a workers’ compensation claim to Prescient National.

Before beginning the telemedicine appointment, the worker will need access to a computer or mobile device with a strong, secure WiFi connection and a working camera and microphone. An ideal space would be an indoor, private room so the worker can speak in confidence with the physician. 

A Care Coordinator is connected to check in the worker and places them in a virtual “Waiting Room.” Typically, within ten minutes, a Physician joins the virtual call to evaluate and diagnose the injury and provide a treatment outline. After the Physician consultation, the Care Coordinator connects again to wrap up the appointment. 

It’s that simple! For both employer and employee, telemedicine is a straightforward, easy way to address workplace injuries.

Prescient National is dedicated to assisting employers in reducing workplace injuries, providing effective risk management solutions, and streamlining the claims process. Our collaboration with Concentra is part of our commitment to assisting employers and their employees in receiving treatment in the most efficient manner possible, minimizing the potential for injuries to worsen, and getting workers back on the job as soon as possible.

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